Free DFM File Check
Production CNC Machined Parts

Are you looking for an experienced CNC machinist to review and provide a Design for Manufacturability (DFM) check for parts that consists of a review of the design files and specifications to identify any potential issues that could affect the manufacturability of the part?

Simply send us your CNC machined part data files (drawings and .stp files) and we will run a complete DFM check for manufacturability.

Experience how our engineering support gives customers the most in-depth feedback with exact accuracy, eliminating delays and quality problems discovered before fabrication. Learn more about the specifics of our DFM review.

* Please note that we are not tool and die machining experts, so these types of applications would not be an area in which we can offer these services.

Submit Your Files

Fill out the below form and an Metal Craft Engineer will be contacting you shortly.